Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

Hellraiser III: Pinhead gets super pissed! Hellraiser III: Fuckin' Explosions! Hellraiser III: '90's Metal Blood Exxxtreme!!!!

I'm not exactly the biggest fan of Hellraiser III... In fact this time was about the third time I've watched it. They just took the series, threw away all the class, mystery, and lore, and just tossed it out for this one. They took Pinhead and stripped away all of his sophistication, save for his eloquent speaking abilities, instead replacing it with blood lust and anger. It's just sad that his defining attributes were taken away to lead to a higher kill count and make him compare more to the likes of Jason and Freddy.

And then there is the other Cenobites. These sad excuses just don't do it for me. I guess that's why the Cenobite making is usually done by Engineers. You have Camerahead, with his shitty one liners and TELESCOPIC LENS OF DOOM! CD-head... he's, you know, sorta robotic and throws CDs to kill people. Terri with her cigarette, watch out! She'll burn you! J.P., he's got pistons in his head and pelvic thrusts allot. And retractable batons, must not forget the batons. And Barbie, oh Barbie, you had potential. You're design was decent, hell, you looked like a real Cenobite! But then, then the flame-breath. And carrying around that stupid cocktail shaker. They are all so stupid.

The first half of the movie is ok. Its got intrigue, deception, story. Then Pinhead gets free and from there on its nothing but explosions and body count. I just never cared for any of the other story parts, the girl helping Elliot (human Pinhead) and whatever was going on with her dad.

The best part of the movie next to the quotes, is the church scene. Pinhead acting like Jesus is funny and when Joey tells the preacher that a demon is after her and what happens afterwards is classic.

That's it. Hellraiser III is very... meh. Its entertaining enough, but not good. And as a Hellraiser movie, its only a little better than Hellworld.

"The Priest: Demons aren't real. Theyre parables, metaphors.
Joey: [
as the doors open and Pinhead enters] Then what the fuck is that?"

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