Monday, January 30, 2012

Slow Torture Puke Chamber

Blood-vomit, gore, boobs, crucifix masturbation, guts, piss drinking, vomit drinking and baby fucking. There's more too, but you know what? I don't think I really need to say more. After ReGOREgitated Sacrifice, I figured that there was no way for them to actually out do the first (Slaughtered Vomit Dolls), and while they didn't really "out do" it, they matched it. I think the main reason they only matched it is because there really isn't the same level of violence as the first. They make up for it with a crazy final twenty minutes full of babies cut from the womb, fucked, dismembered, put in a blender, puked up, drank again. Mix into that watching a fat prostitute being brutalized and puked on, oh, and Angela pissing and puking. Ya, crazy shit.

Ya know, I don't really know whats going on in this series. I know there is a story, but I just cant put it together. In this one, we have another Angela Aberdeen, yep ANOTHER! Or is it the same one? A different personality? Shit, I don't know. Anyway, we have this other Angela, as a child she was raped and molested by her father. Broken, she learned to love and cherish their time spent together. That is until her mom found out and her father stopped touching her. Now, jealous, she would wait by her parents door and listen as they fucked. She could hear something different in how her mom reacted to it. With Angela, it was pain, anger, sadness. She felt it was her dad taking out his pain on her. With her mom she could hear enjoyment. Love. Happiness.

This threw her down a different path. She was a chubby little girl and to change that and maybe make daddy like her again, she took to bulimia. This sorta backfired though as she became addicted. Skinnier and skinnier, she eventually resembled a skinny little boy. Her daddy wouldn't touch her anymore. So she began rebelling.

Typical sex and drugs stuff. Coupled with her bulimia and her idea that in order for someone to truly love her, they have to hurt her, destroy her, her life quickly spiraled into a living hell. And finally she finds herself in the position that the original Angela found herself in, making a pact with Satan.

This is what confused me. Does this make her another personality of the original Angela? Is it sort of a rebirth of Angela? Or does it simply state that all the downtrodden, fucked up, whorish girls out there in the end are an Angela? Because we see later that the fat prostitute being brutalized toward the end of the movie also states that she is Angela Aberdeen. So ya. I have no clue whats up. Because of course we have the original Angela doing her normal prostitute thing, while her male brutal killer personality is cutting babies out of ladies and making smoothies out of them.

Its extreme, its convoluted, but you know its not one of those movies you watch because its really really good. You watch it cause its fucked up and extreme, it just happens that there is a decent story in there....somewhere.

 *Also, no screens of the original Angela because every scene of her is just her pissing, either on herself or in something. The piss really adds nothing to the movie and could have not been included. With people drinking their own puke, piss is really the littlest of the extremes.*

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