Friday, January 13, 2012

The Devil Inside

Ok, so I am going to try to keep this one fairly spoiler free. Short and sweet: I enjoyed this movie. The ending was abrupt and anticlimactic, unsatisfying, but everything up until that point was good.

When Isabella was five her mother killed three people during an exorcism. Her mother was tried, found not guilty by reason of insanity, and taken to a mental facility in Rome by the wishes of the Catholic Church.

Twenty years later, Isabella is taking part in a documentary that's aim is to find out what happened that day and what is being done with her mother. This takes them to Rome where Isabella attends an exorcism class. Here she meets two rogue exorcists that have been secretly taking up cases that the Church has been denying.

She joins them on an exorcism that they have been working on and afterward is convinced that its all real. She wants them to check out her mother and help her. From there we get a very dense, thrill a minute film that ends suddenly.

I've heard complaints about the acting in the film... I don't know where these come from. It was all solid. I am guessing most people have a problem with Isabellas slightly monotone voice but I think that was more about playing a sad, hurt, cautious person, rather than bad acting. In fact, everything else is spot on.

I've heard people complain about how gory the movie is. For one, its a horror movie. Get over it. Expect it. Two, in a world where the likes of Hostel and Human Centipede 2 are mainstream, and normal people hear about movies like A Serbian Film, are we really complaining about some blood? No guts, no tearing flesh, no dismemberment, just blood. That's all this movie had.

I think the main problem is people not following everything. In the last twenty or so minutes of the film, you get a zillion new little story bits and details thrown at you at the same time, so much so that its sorta hard to keep track of. I liked it, it made you pay attention more, drew you in. Sure I would like to know just what was possessing her mother, but if you think about it, that's part of the fun. Figuring out just who it is. Some normal demon? Satan itself? Who?

I liked it. That's about it. If you like exorcism movies, check it out.

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